About TRTC

Founded in 1989, the Triangle Rails to Trails Conservancy (TRTC) a state chartered, non-profit organization that accomplishes much of it’s work through volunteer efforts. Its purpose is to work with local and state government officials to preserve local abandoned railroad corridors for future transportation and other interim uses such as recreational trails. Since 1998, TRTC volunteers have put in over 8,800 hours in cleaning up, resurfacing and maintaining the American Tobacco Trail (ATT) in Durham, Chatham and Wake Counties.

 Our current focus is supporting safety and signage improvements for the American Tobacco Trail, arranging volunteer projects and providing feedback to local trail managers on problems or proposed changes.

ATT Trail Maps

American Tobacco Trail
(Durham & Greenways PDF)

American Tobacco Trail
(Chatham & Wake Sections PDF)

Latest News

I-40 Bridge Span Installed

The initial portion of the ATT bridge over I-40 was installed overnight on April 27-28. I-40 was closed and detoured for about 8 hours and the installation went as planned. See picture of the span above. For other photos and information about the event please see the...

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Fountain at Pittard Sears is Operational

At long last, the water fountain at the Pittard Sears Road parking area is operating and being used (see image in previous article). With the cool weather in March, we decided to hold up on connecting it up a couple of weeks to be sure there would be no freezing...

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Cary Partners with TRTC on Tap-in Fee for Fountain

On February 13th Cary's Town Council voted to approve funding of $1350 towards the cost of the tap-in fee to the water line at Pittard Sears road. This represents 50% of this fee and our Board certainly appreciates this fine support from the Council. With Winter and...

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Surveillance Camera Installed on ATT

The City of Durham has partnered with Capital Broadcasting to install the initial camera of what is planned to be a network of multiple cameras on the initial four miles of the trail south of the DBAP. This initial camera will be evaluated over the next few weeks with...

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Pittard Sears Parking Area Opened–12/15

On December 15th, TRTC gave users of the ATT an early Christmas present with the opening of the Pittard Sears parking area. This opening wraps up an effort to find a suitable site for parking in Chatham which began early in 2010. Our thanks for the donations which...

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Parking Area at Pittard Sears Road Nearing Completion

November has seen a lot of progress on this project. We broke ground on the 12th and since then about 30 trees were removed, the area for parking was lightly graded and smoothed, geotextile cloth was put down, crusher run was spread and compacted, and finally several...

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Incidents on ATT Inspire Community Watch Program

As reports of assaults and robberies on Durham’s American Tobacco Trail attracted police and press attention this summer, resident Cynthia Cole began to worry it would prevent people from using the valuable local resource. "It actually made me mad,” she said of at...

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Cary to Install Flashing Beacons at Greenway Crossings

Cary has announced it will soon be installing Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons to help citizens safely navigate the intersections of some of its most popular greenways and well-traveled roads. These solar-powered safety devices emit rapid flashing LED lights when...

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Durham Cyclists Patrol ATT

In response to the numerous incidents on the northern section of the ATT in Durham, several cyclists have recently begun bike patrols for this section of the trail. So far this is a small group which has only been doing late afternoon rides a few days each week. If...

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TRTC Receives Grant for ATT Water Fountain

Recreational Equipment Inc. (REI) has awarded TRTC with a $5000 grant for the acquisition of a water fountain to be installed at a trail parking area we are developing at Pittard-Sears Road. We hope to break ground for this area this Fall and to have the fountain...

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