About TRTC
Founded in 1989, the Triangle Rails to Trails Conservancy (TRTC) a state chartered, non-profit organization that accomplishes much of it’s work through volunteer efforts. Its purpose is to work with local and state government officials to preserve local abandoned railroad corridors for future transportation and other interim uses such as recreational trails. Since 1998, TRTC volunteers have put in over 8,800 hours in cleaning up, resurfacing and maintaining the American Tobacco Trail (ATT) in Durham, Chatham and Wake Counties.
Our current focus is supporting safety and signage improvements for the American Tobacco Trail, arranging volunteer projects and providing feedback to local trail managers on problems or proposed changes.
Latest News
Kiosk at Eagle Spur Trail
As an Eagle Scout Project, Matthew Darby of Troop 402 in Durham, took the lead in planning, fund raising, building and installing an informational kiosk just south of Stagecoach Road on the Eagle Spur hiking trail. The kiosk includes a lockable case for information...
New Booklet on Great Trails in NC
North Carolina's Parks and Recreation Division has issued a very nice 21 page booklet in PDF form which has pictures and descriptions of walking and paddle trails throughout the State.
Fourth Workday at the Eagle Spur Trail–May 14th
We had another productive Eagle Spur workday on March 26th and got a lot accomplished. A little over a mile of the trail is now much wider and our future efforts will focus on the final 1.3 miles. However thanks to the recent high lake levels and the amount of time...
Fountain at Pittard Sears Open for the Season
End of Year Message from TRTC
We've been active on some trail safety projects and continued our efforts to provide up to date ATT maps and amenities such as our fountain at Pittard Sears and Porta Jon at Scott King. We hope you appreciate these efforts. Give us a wave when you see our volunteers...
Fallen Trees Cut & Cleared From Eagle Spur Trail
On November 22, three members of our Board braved on and off rain to cut and clear over a dozen fallen trees and trim back numerous other trees near the trail. This popular 2.2 mile trail is south of Stage Coach Road in Durham and offers a very quiet experience ending...
Fountan at Pittard Sears Closed for the Winter
With sub-freezing nights coming very soon we shut off the water at Pittard Sears on 11/20 for the season. Re-opening should occur in late March after sub-freezing nights are out of the forecasts. Since we installed it in April 2013 water usage has increased each year...
Center Line Dashed Markings In Place on Paved Section in Chatham
After over a year of discussions with staff from the Town of Cary and Chatham County, TRTC's advocacy efforts were accepted and yellow dashes marking the trail's center line were put down by our contractor today. Our goal for these dashes is to provide trail users...
Stronger Pedestrian Signs Installed at O’Kelly Chapel Crossing
As additional action from the monitoring of trail users and vehicles done this past May, the District DOT staff has installed signs to remind motorists that they are obligated to yield to pedestrians. These are regulatory signs and motorists not yielding can be...
American Tobacco Trail Safety Study–Article in the Independent Weekly
This just in! The Independent Weekly reports this week on the recently published study of safety on the American Tobacco Trail. Click here to read the coverage in the Indy:...
New Signs at O’Kelly Chapel Road Crossing
Good News for trail users frequenting the ATT crossing at O'Kelly Chapel Road! Based on the 9 day monitoring of users crossing O'Kelly by volunteers with TRTC and vehicle speeds and numbers monitoring by DOT, DOT has installed 35 mph advisory signs for both...
TRTC Now Enrolled in AmazonSmile Program
We were recently added to the AmazonSmile program. Under this program Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Triangle Rails to Trails whenever you connect to Amazon by clicking here or on the icon on the lower left portion of...