As some of you may know, TRTC has been involved in a multi-year project to replace 3 large (36” diam.) drainage culverts in the mid-section of this trail. This has not been an easy project and has been delayed several times by high lake levels and the fact that the Wildlife Commission does not allow any mechanized equipment in this area. Notwithstanding these factors, we are making progress with several workdays per year and numerous efforts by 2 or 3 volunteers.
Good weather in early December 2021 allowed for the installation of Culvert #1 and the completion of the fill over Culvert #2. Form work and concrete pouring on Culvert #1 was done during the week by several retirees. Fill work on culverts 1 and 2 were done by larger work groups on 2 Saturdays. Work on Culvert #3 was started during the Spring in 2022 and has continued.
Starting in the early spring of 2023, several of our retirees dug out the ditch and what was left of the old steel pipe. The resulting ditch was about seven feet deep and wider at trail level than what was necessary for Culvert #1 and #2. After placing the culvert in the forms for the collars, we had a couple of lake excursions that floated the culvert just high enough to twist and damage the forms. After repairs, we got everything back in place and started mixing and pouring about 100 bags of Sakrete. By August we had finished the pouring and most of the re-filling of the covering dirt. As of early November 2023 we are letting the fill settle and will complete the covering after a few good rains.
If You Are Interested in Working on This Project: We will have work days on weekdays and on weekends. We do more than just “Pick and Shovel” work – there is usually trash to be picked up, and limbs to be tossed off the trail. If you would like to join us for Exercise, Fresh Air and Sunshine send your name and e-mail address to
For images of our work on the Eagle Spur click here for photos on Google
We are also looking for someone who lives in the 751 South development to be our representative in that neighborhood. If you are interested or know someone who might be interested, let us know.