Steve Lund is leading a workday on the Eagle Spur Trail, Sunday October 18th at 9:00 a.m. It’s a concrete mixing and pouring party to anchor the first drainage culvert in position. Volunteers should plan to be out there for about 4 hours. We’ll meet at the Colvard subdivision (on the west side of NC 751 in southern Durham County).
Steve’s goals for this workday are:
1. Get the collars on culvert #2 poured.
2. Begin backfilling culvert #2 with locally obtained dirt. Please bring a shovel if you can.
Optional work if we have sufficient turnout:
1. Cut up and clear trees and logs from the trail.
2. Pick up and remove trash.
If interested, send an email to
The Eagle Spur is the original 1905 routing of today’s ATT (before Jordan Lake was filled).