HELP Support a bikeway along I-40 connecting the Trenton Road Greenway to the Research Triangle Park (RTP) and many other places in the area.
Wake County Commissioner Sig Hutchinson was successful in adding the “Triangle Bikeway” along I-40 to a list of projects to be evaluated for funding under CAMPO’s request to the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) is the regional transportation organization serving Wake, Franklyn, Granville, Harnett, and Johnston Counties.
There are more projects on the list than available funding. So, the list of projects will be prioritized. The prioritization will be determined, in part, by public comments received during the public comment period that ends Wednesday, September 20, 2017.
The Triangle Bikeway would connect the Trenton Road greenway to the RTP. This missing link would enable bike and pedestrian connections from Raleigh, Cary, and Morrisville to the RTP. It will also enable connections to many of the area’s major greenways, including: Black Creek, Reedy Creek, House Creek, Rocky Branch, Walnut Creek, American Tobacco Trail, Crabtree Creek, and the Neuse Greenways, which then allows connections to the regional/national East Coast Greenway, NC 2 (Mountains to Sea Trail), and US 1 (Carolina Connection) bike routes.
Please email your public comments in support of the “WK1. Triangle Bikeway” project receiving a high priority ranking for funding to by Tuesday, September 19, 2017 (their meeting is September 20).