Over the past two months we’ve seen the completion of two ATT projects: Quarter mile markers reflecting the north to south measurements done last year have been installed in all three counties. In Durham white markers have been painted directly on the asphalt while in Chatham and Wake Counties bi-directional stand up signs have been installed. (See ATT Construction Photos http://www.triangletrails.org/gallery/att for view of new signs)
On the south side of Scott King Road in Durham County, Ben Kearsley, an Eagle Scout candidate, recently installed four exercise stations. This is a really nice addition to the trail and should be a popular amenity for numerous users of the ATT as well as those visiting Herndon Park. The balance beam station was made from rails and ties which once carried the trains on the former Durham & Southern line. TRTC and Tazikis Mediterannean restaurants of Cary provided support for this project.